Launch-Event: Performance Show
Vielen Dank an alle Performer*innen, die Bar Jeder Vernunft und alle Beteiligten und Unterstützer*innen, die den Launch unserer Anti-Stigma-Kampagne möglich gemacht haben! Danke auch an die Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung für die Förderung.
Hier gibt es noch mehr Infos und die Texte zu den Performances - enjoy!
Performance 1-3
What creates more dysforia than dragging as a cis-woman?
Osito Chulo and his Utopia working persona. How he would market himself if he didn't have to adapt to hegemonic client demands.
Em Phoenix is a sexworker since 10 years, and also a life-coach, a workshop facilitator and a writer. They co-write books and comics about Sexwork, and give workshops for sexworkers. Their performance today is called "Healing Process", and mix poetry, guided meditation and dance to talk about the pain of the stigma and the joy and relief that personal and societal healing could bring.
The poem for the performance
They called me a whore
Even before I began to work
When I had sex with someone else
And it hurt them.They called me a whore
When I was passing by on the street
Refusing their offer to
Suck their dick for free.They called me a whore
When they learned I began to work
Some cast me out
Others stayed, worried.I heard colleagues call each other whores
With affection and care
With a taste of defiance
Maybe a drop of bitterness.I called myself a whore
Like a Fuck You to society
A Fuck You to Patriarchy
I reclaimed it.And my subconscious calls me a whore
When clients cross my boundaries
Because this whorophobia
I internalized it.Being called a whore had been my greatest pride
And my greatest shame
Made me feel so empowered
And so powerless.It made me feel so free
It made me feel so trapped
Brought me so much self-confidence
And so much self-doubtI wonder how it would have been
To be sexually active
To walk in the street
To be a sexworker
In a world that would have never invented
The concept of the Whore.The guided visualisation for the performance
Imagine that you can walk on the street without being catcalled ever again.
Imagine you will never be judged or seen as a curiosity for the number of people you had sex with. Imagine that you can mention being a sexworker to anyone, appartment owners, future employers, people you date, people you meet randomly, new friends, without being judged, asked intrusive questions, become a curiosity, lose an opportunity, or worst.
Imagine that if you are disrepected, stolen from, or assaulted at work, nobody would think that because you're a sexworker, it is not important or your fault.
That everybody knows what is your work and has a positive or neutral opinion about it.
Imagine that never again you will see whorophobic reactions in television.
Imagine that political decisions about sexwork are made in the real interest of sexworkers.
Imagine that it is clear for everyone that there are so many different sexworkers with different backgrounds, different needs.Your body is your own.
Your sex life is your own.
You can be a sexworker and deserve safety, protection, respect, and agency.
Let this feeling of safety and freedom grows in your chest, like a warm bubble of light.
Then imagine it expands to all your body.
Enjoy how good it feels.
And now dance it.
Jade is the most transformist, poisonous, seductive, and contemptus version of Roc. He loves to fool you with her dances and take revenge on the injustices.
My mother always said that I was not going to be good for more than a
whore or a cashier, and she was quite right.
Being a whore is not as simple as people think, it's got that thing.
One has to know how to lead a double life,
how to seduce old men, how to reinvent oneself according to fashion,
to disassociate in the most intimate moments, to fake pleasure,
to price oneself and to lower it down according to need,
to change one's identity as one pleases,
be very very strategic, have high levels of intuition and a great
power of immediate
reaction to any unforeseen situation.
I don't regret earning my money by sucking older men's cocks
or fucking the ass of some repressed family dad.
I am incorporating the forbidden fantasy that he cannot manifest in
his hetero-normative Christian life.
I am a social worker who provides the community with the service of
I am capitalizing your fetishism towards me and charging you for the
damages of a life of objectification and exoticization.
Behind this whore, although your narrow mind does not allow you to
imagine it, there is a male body, which transforms, like a wolf under
a full moon, only to become your caprice.
This is my little revenge.
Emanzipate my sexualized body to put it up for sale
and never again
deliver it by obligation.
Performances 4-6
Alice Danger is a sex worker, writer and performance. This performance references Pat Califia's text "Whoring in Utopia" as well as the Sumerian myth of the descent of Inanna into the Underworld, which is one of the oldest texts ever recovered. Inanna was the goddess of prostitution, sex and warfare. The myth recounts her descent into the Underworld, during which she must leave behind her earthly belongings.
From the “great above”, she set her mind toward the “great below”. Inanna, the goddess of prostitution,
abandoned heaven, abandon lordship, abandoned ladyship. Inanna walked toward the Underworld.
At the door of the Underworld she acted evilly, she spoke evilly: “Gatekeeper, open the house to the queen of
“If thou art the queen of heaven,” he said, “the place where the sun rises, why, pray, has thou come to the land
of no return? On the road whose traveler returns not, how has thy heart led thee?”
Even people who are supportive of sex workers’ rights often assume that prostitution would somehow wither
away if industrial capitalism fell on its blemished, bloated face.
"What is this?" "Be satisfied, Inanna, a divine power of the Underworld has been fulfilled. Inanna, you must not
open your mouth against the rites of the Underworld."
The wife-and-mother class is not supposed to acknowledge the existence of the whore class… The opportunity
for paid infidelity makes monogamous marriage a believable institution.
As technology grows more complex and educational opportunities for workers constrict, prostitution has
become one of the few forms of employment for unskilled laborers.
It’s obvious that the range of people who sought out sex for money would change dramatically in a kinder,
gentler world. The prostitute’s identity is currently rigid because once you have been “soiled” by that work you
are never supposed to be able to escape the stigma, but also because such rigidity creates clarity for the
heterosexual male. He is what the prostitute is not: male, moneyed, in charge, legitimate, normal.
Everybody might expect a portion of their life as a sex worker … perhaps there would be collective brothels
where people could perform community service … a stint in the community pleasure house might be analogous
to going on retreat…
The people who took up sex work as a profession would be more likely to pursue the erotic arts as vocations,
just as priests and artists do today for their professions. They would be teachers, healers, adventurous souls,
tolerant and compassionate… Prostitutes are all of those things today, but they perform their acts of kindness in
a milieu of ingratitude.
‘The sick woman was turned into a corpse. The corpse was hung on a stake.’
A state that believes it has the right to send young people off to die in a war or conduct above ground testing of
atomic weapons in populated areas eventually will try to take over the hands, mouths, dicks, cunts, and
buttholes that are sex workers’ means of production. So the halcyon, golden days of prostitution might be
happening right now.
"Latin Gogo"
Latin fag writer
teacher and whore
without closets
become gogo dancer
almost legitimate
almost naked
"La Traviata - The Deviant. A silent Film"
Edie Montana and Chiqui Love from the Berlin Strippers Collective are starring in a silent opera film that talks about the stigma sex workers have to face in their daily lives...But how, despite the difficulties, life has to go on and their working life has to continue.